
I'm not there-BIO of Bob Dylan

“多年以来,Bob Dylan从来都拒绝自己以往扮演的角色。他不断地前进又不断地否定自己。我的想法就是用不同的演员扮演同一个人,用差异来诠释这个永远在路上的人。”
- Todd Haynes
也许电影的名字就暗示了Bob Dylan不在场。I'm not there用六个演员来演绎Bob Dylan在不同年代,不同年龄的故事,传记的这种叙述是大胆又很富创意的,难怪Todd被归为‘异类’,用"Outbreaking"来形容并无过火之处。影片中的黑人男孩的表演天赋确实让人折服,及其自然,可爱的艺术小天才。当然,本片最最吸引目光的当属凯特,酷毙了!一个女人,可以千娇百媚,同时也可以是型男,看她抽烟的姿态和说话的神情,跟"Once Upon time in America"的Robert De Niro都有得一拼。摘下Kite的一段台词,反叛传统的同时也遭遇了传统的反叛甚至隔离,但他们狂热个性和创作天赋的背后就是对Truth & Real的追求。
"Doesn't matter, you know. What kind of nasty names people invent for the music. But,uh, folk music is just a word, you know, that I can't use anymore. What I am talking about is traditional music, right, which is to say it is mathematical music, it's based on hexagons. But all these songs about, you know, roses growing out people's brains and lovers who are really geese and swans are turning into angels...I mean, you know, they're not gonna die. They're not folk music songs. They're political songs. They're already dead. You’d think that these traditional music people would gather that mystery, you know, is a traditional fact, you know, seeing as they're all full of mystery. Yeah, contradictions. Yes, its chaos, clocks and watermelons...You know, it's...it's everything.
These people actually think I have some kind of, uh...fatastic imagination. It gets very, uh, longsome. But traditional music is just too unreal to die. It doesn't need to be protected. You know, I mean, in that music is the only true valid death you can feel today, off a record player. But like everything else in the great demand, people try to own it. Has to do with, like, uh, the purity thing.I think it is meaninglessness is holy.
Everybody knows I'm not a folk singer."
Seven simple rules for life in hiding; One, never trust a cop in a raincoat. Two, beware of enthusiasm and of love. Each is temporary and quick to sway. Three, when asked if you are about the world's problems, look deep into the eyes of he who asks.He will not ask you again. Number four and five...Never give you real name. And if ever told to look at youself... never look. Six, never say or do anything the person standing in front of you cannot understand. And seven, never create anything. It will be misinterpreted.

2 条评论:

匿名 说...


匿名 说...

嗯 之前我只知道“KNOCKING ON HEAVENishi'S DOOR”被Gun N' Rose唱过,没想到这却是BOB的作品,赞一个!